Woman’s dreams need not have expiry date after 35!

Woman’s dreams need not have expiry date after 35!

October 09, 2021 By The Connect

The life of Princess Diana relates to every woman’s life, rich or poor, Royal or not, says fashionpreneur Shwetha Reddy .


HYDERABAD, Oct 9 (The CONNECT) - It was a fashion show with a difference. The theme: “Fusion of Wedding and Aviation”.  The models were aviators, professionals from the aviation industry. They walked on the ramp, sorry runway.  The ramp was a makeshift runway.

The show was organized to launch Nakshatra designer label and wear collection curated by Bollywood fashionpreneur Shwetha Reddy.

The broad concept of the sequences of the fashion show was the voice of women.  It was divided into three sequences further--Floral: innocent, delicate; Devil: ferocious; Love: wedding, explained Ms. Shwetha Reddy.

The three sequences depicted the changing moods and personality of a woman. Woman starts her life delicate innocent as a flower and when taken for granted shows her ferociousness and finally spreads her love and smile when the society understands her, Shweta said.

“Voice of Woman according to me is Princess Diana, Jaya Lalithaa, Oprah Winfrey, Barack Obama, Kangana Ranaut, Priyanka Chopra,” she said.

Shwetha has eleven years’ experience. She worked with Globals as a fashion stylist and later in the Film industry with Shruti Hasan, Shreya and Trisha.  She has her clientele all over India and the world.  Her aura is more into wedding designs.

“I got inspiration from Princess Diana that relates to every woman’s life, rich or poor. Royal or any status. What she deserves is only support, freedom, to recognize her talent and little love from society,” she explained.

Though her relationship was complicated and suffocating, says Shwetha, Diana respected her husband's choice and went in search of love.  Though she was not born royal she never compromised with her fashion in any situation even immediately after her divorce though she was suffering with a rare disease. She looked elegant and powerful in her own outfits and appealing to all the ordinary public as princess of "love from heart" spreading her smiles

Shwetha asked:  Why does a woman have an expiry date for her dreams when she is married and starts her family with kids?

Voice of Woman need not represent an old lady with wrinkles. The real struggle of a woman begins at the age of 35+ facing many challenges where she is still capable of everything that she does in her 20s with even more experience and maturity. Why can't she compete with the next generation girls just because she has a family? This is the most important age where she needs to open up and speak for herself that is "Voice of Woman", she says

 Shwetha said: “A woman is a strong human being, not just mentally or physically. That is why God granted her the capacity to give birth to a life.  A woman, who not only runs the house but the world as well. She is multi-tasking.  Things have slightly changed. They are free to do whatever they want to do.  Then she is expected to marry, start a family and kill her dreams.  So now is the time to realize that there is no expiry date.  She must be allowed to do whatever she wants to do before or after marriage.” 

 Shwetha said, “personally I like today's woman, because she does what she wants, she speaks, what she wants, she hears, what she wants, she believes what she wants. But most importantly she wears what she wants.  And that is why I consider her a powerful woman.”

But, the fun fact is, generally the powerful women wear simple and basic clothes.  The few examples are  Indira Gandhi, Nirmala Sitharaman, Malala Yousafzai and the list goes on. 

With all due respect, I think that someone should tell them that they can be fashionable too, like Princess Diana. 

“Though she was not born royal and rich, she never let any situation compromise with her fashion.  She always looked elegant and powerful in her own outfits irrespective of the situation around her and age. So, today's show was all about this only.  A show that will empower and motivate all the women, that is the voice of women,” Shweta added.